Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde

The contents of this Register are intended for research purposes only. The heraldic emblems found in the Register may not be reproduced in any form or in any media without the written consent of the Canadian Heraldic Authority and/or the recipient.

Longueuil, Quebec
Grant of Arms and Flag, with differences to Jeanne Boyer Plourde and Florence Boyer Plourde
June 20, 2008
Vol. V, p. 308

Arms of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde
Arms of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde
Flag of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde
Differenced Arms for Jeanne Boyer Plourde, daughter of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde Differenced Arms for Florence Boyer Plourde, daughter of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde
Arms of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde

Arms of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde


Per pale Azure and Or on a fess three lozenges counterchanged;


The vertical line dividing the shield in half recalls Mr. Plourde’s profession as a lawyer. The dividing line is straight and unbroken, as is the justice system in its purest expression. It conveys the sincere desire to help others that led Mr. Plourde to this profession. On both sides of the vertical line, the contrasting sections of the shield represent a number of complementary concepts: oneself and others; the known and the unknown; the present and the future. The horizontal band represents the life of an individual and his path over the years. The colour contrast shows the impact a person can have not only on those around him, his family and his neighbours, but also on the past and the future. The lozenges, similar to diamonds, symbolize an individual’s generosity and generous actions. They represent helping others, one deed at a time, to change the lives of those around us. Their horizontal placement suggests an infinite number, a continuous series of actions. The contrast between the background of the shield and the horizontal band, as well as between the band and the lozenges, recalls the balance born of helping others, because he who gives, receives.



A circular saw Azure cutting a log Or, all environed by a fishnet Azure its floats Or;


The crest pays tribute to Mr. Plourde’s parents and family. The tree stump and circular saw honour the memory of his father, Louis Joseph Plourde, who spent the first half of his life working in a sawmill. The net represents his mother, Marie Rose Dupuis, and the family connection with the fishing industry. These elements symbolize the values passed down from parents to children over generations and the courage with which Mr. Plourde’s parents and ancestors exercised their professions.





DE LA GÉNÉROSITÉ NAÎT L’ENTRAIDE, meaning “From generosity arises co-operation.”

Flag of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde

Flag of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde


A banner of the Arms;


The symbolism of this emblem is found in other element(s) of this record.

Differenced Arms for Jeanne Boyer Plourde, daughter of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde

Differenced Arms for Jeanne Boyer Plourde, daughter of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde


The Arms of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde debruised of a three-point label Gules; this individual will inherit the Arms of the Recipient following his or her death;


The symbolism of this emblem is found in other element(s) of this record.

Differenced Arms for Florence Boyer Plourde, daughter of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde

Differenced Arms for Florence Boyer Plourde, daughter of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde


The Arms of Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde within a bordure Gules;


The symbolism of this emblem is found in other element(s) of this record.



Canada Gazette Information

The announcement of the letters patent was made on November 22, 2008 in Volume 142, page 2984 of the Canada Gazette.

Letters patent granting heraldic emblems to Joseph Louis Pierre PlourdeLetters patent granting heraldic emblems to Joseph Louis Pierre Plourde

Additional Information


Original concept of Claire Boudreau, Chief Herald of Canada, assisted by the heralds of the Canadian Heraldic Authority.


Lara Claire Ellis


Shirley Mangione

Recipient Type
